Lyrical Place
Madhur Kal Tu
Lyrics - Hindi, Hinglish, Punjabi, Garhwali, Haryanvi Songs Lyrics
Madhur Kal Tu
Armaan Malik, Shweta Mohan
14 Feb 2023
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Madhur Kal Tu
"Madhur Kal Tu Lyrics from Shaakuntalam" is a beautifully composed and heartwarming song that reflects the essence of true love in its purest form. The lyrics written by Srimanta Sankardeva eloquently capture the emotions of the protagonist, King Dushyanta, as he reminisces about his beloved Shakuntala. Sung by renowned artist Shreya Ghoshal, the melody is mellifluous with a touch of classical Indian music. The use of traditional instruments such as sitar and flute further enhances its richness. A masterpiece created by composer Vanraj Bhatia to provide an unforgettable musical experience to all listeners that transcend time. Its emotional depth and originality have earned it overwhelming appreciation from music lovers worldwide."