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Lyrics - Hindi, Hinglish, Punjabi, Garhwali, Haryanvi Songs Lyrics
Sid Sriram , Chinmayi
Feb, 2023
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Rushivanamlona is a popular song from the Sanskrit play Shaakuntalam, written by the ancient Indian playwright Kalidasa. The lyrics are renowned for their beautiful imagery and intricate wordplay, as they describe the enchanting gardens of Rushivanam, where the hero and heroine first meet. The verse employs various literary techniques such as alliteration, metaphor, and personification to evoke the natural beauty of the setting. This piece of literature conveys an appreciation for nature's magnificence through its vivid descriptions—lilting breezes, dancing peacocks, fluttering bees—all bathed in a hazy glow of mesmeric charm. The language used is dense with layers of meaning that require interpretation, contextualization and creative visualization on part of audiences or readers alike. Ultimately Rushivanamlona epitomizes Kalidasa's masterful storytelling ability in painting vivid mental images and transporting one into a fantastical world that exudes both wonder and transcendence.